Mnemotechnics in learning the Polish language

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Mnemotechniki w praktyce

One of the most effective tools that we can reach in the process of learning a foreign language are mnemonics, which help remember, store and remember information. There are several types of mnemotechnics that are particularly useful in learning foreign languages. Belong to them:

Chain association method – which gives you the opportunity to memorize long lists of objects along with their features, consisting of combining words into pairs on the basis of associations. Next, we create a story by waving the words that we want to remember. This way of remembering makes it possible to reproduce individual elements in the right order.

Mind map – is a popular form of graphic notes, which resembles a map with its structure, which presents graphic relations between the information stored on it, in the form of key words and mini pictures.

Acrostics – a method based on creating a sentence, allowing for further memorizing information. The first letters of the words are the initial letters of the elements to be memorized. A very useful way, for example in learning Polish cases:


Mama Dała Córce Bułkę Nasmarowaną Masłem Wiejskim – mianownik (Nominative), dopełniacz (Genitive), celownik (Dative), biernik (Accusative), narzędnik (Instrumental), miejscownik (Locative), wołacz (Vocative). (Mom gave her daughter a roll, spread with country butter)

By using mnemonics in language learning, we can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our learning. Using mnemotechnics, we increase our skills needed in remembering such as imagination, concentration, ability to associate and visualize.

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